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潘星瑋 Anton Poon、林嘉裕 Inkgo Lam、陳靄凝 Chan Oi Ying、何芍韻 Ashley Ho、藤田薰 Caori Fujita、淺野堅一 Kenichi Asano、畠中彩Aya Hatanaka、釣谷幸輝 Kouki Tsuritani、佐藤令奈 Haruna Sato、中村綾花 Ayaka Nakamura





Art of Nature specially presents A Tale of Two Cities– Youth Art Exhibition at Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery on January 20, 2023. The opening night will be held on the same day, and the exhibition will be on view until February 24, 2023.

The exhibition aims to provoke and present the dialogue between the ten artists encountering similar or different difficulties and doubts in their respective cultures, from Hong Kong and Japan.

A Tale of Two Cities is not only about "Hong Kong" and "Japan", but also in the sense of connection and conflict between the individual’s "siege" and "city" in the contemporary era.

History and future, demolition and construction, full and blank, reality and fantasy, and anxiety and healing, these opposing states are constantly confronted and entangled in the progression of cities and the psychological state of its people. Meanwhile, they subtly guide and inspire the artist's creation, in which they explore the triple intercross relationship between self, others, and the city.