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大部分的人類個體總會因劇烈變化的社會環境,條件反射地不斷確認、尋找、寄託存在感,而身處瞬息萬變的香港生活大眾尤為甚之。“抽離”則是藝術家在紛繁而浮躁的環境下的最佳方式,亦是在生活與創作之間自由切換的權宜方法,更是藝術家對生命與自然狀態的內心抒發。 藝術家往往暂时抽離,對他們所處的社會環境進行反思,並以獨特的抽象藝術語言講述自己,也描述著時代。「抽象·抽離」三位藝術家通過極具個人風格的抽象繪畫不謀而合地抽離出東方與西方的精神以及詩性的空間,在這個過程中探索自我與外部的關係,而藝術為他們提供了廣袤的土壤。

Most individuals would reflexively assure, seek, and repose to their sense of existence due to the drastical change in social environment, especially for those who live in the ever-changing life of Hong Kong. “Distancing” is the best state of mind for artists in a complex and impetuous situation. It is a way to freely switch between life and creation, and a way to express their status of life. Through their works, artists are often able to separate themselves temporarily from daily life, and think about the social circumstances, to express the era and oneself in their unique artistic language. Echoing to the theme, 3 artists coincidentally distance away from both the eastern and western art essence, and space. Exploring the relationship between the oneself and external by art.
